This is the artwork I have received over the years! I treasure every single one of these pictures and love showing them to people. Please respect the artists who drew them, though, and don't steal them!

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Thumbnail Name Artist Thumbnail Name Artist
Naien Serge Stiles Onis Serge Stiles
Lo'Liondo Kelt Ryanson Laura, Kristin Kelt Ryanson
Shawnhi Kelt Ryanson Rai, Bamur Kelt Ryanson
Pegoku Kelt Ryanson Tallon (as a Nebulion) Kelt Ryanson
Fetlark (chibi) Kelt Ryanson Shinka Kelt Ryanson
Aediemus Serge Stiles Hikitsuri Serge Stiles
Wazimu Twilight Rhouzeki, Soyokaze Kelt Ryanson
Tallon Endless Night Qkway Dreamaria
Tallon The Creator Cathal Kazamidori
Ayra, Camru Kelt Ryanson Quirroth Serge Stiles
Jo'Dar Kazamidori Ibo Aquanite
Epona, Tallon Epona Nowonmai SnowCat
Kuzcin Kelt Ryanson Kalla, Reklats Krad Kelt Ryanson
Sakki, Naien Kelt Ryanson Zigeuner (chibi) Kelt Ryanson
Cazban Kelt Ryanson Koushaku Serge Stiles
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